Wisdom #3

Bhakti online

We’ve gathered together a few resources here for you so that you can dive right into the timeless knowledge and practices of bhakti. You can find online books, e-courses and other useful sites. And we’ll have even more links coming soon.

Spiritual Study

Online Scriptures

A free, online collection of the books by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, based on ancient Sanskrit scriptures. Translations are available in around twenty different languages.

Vedabase online source

Personal Practice

Essentials of bhakti course

An 8 part series lead by Sacinandana Swami designed to spark your spiritual journey and deepen your understanding of the basics of bhakti, using simple examples and meditations to create a bhakti experience.

Bhakti Essentials

Chanting workshop

A short and simple 7-day course that introduces the benefits, techniques, and tips of mantra meditation. Free!

Chant now workshop

Bhakti books

You can get your own copies of some books right from our center. Take a look at the titles below and then contact us to order them via Whatsapp +961.70.363.922 or email bhaktiyogabeirut@gmail.com

Books by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Founder-Acharya ISKCON
Bhagavad gita, bestseller, spiritual study, books, self realization, Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Veda, Vedic, wisdom, knowledge, Hare Krishna, course, awaken, devotion, realization, reconnection, soul, guidance, Beirut, Lebanon, online
Over 26 million copies sold worldwide. Overview: The Bhagavad-gita (“Song of God”), which forms eighteen chapters in the epic Mahabharata, presents the core of the Vedic philosophy in a relatively brief seven hundred verses. Celebrated and revered for its profound message, it is the one book turned to by philosophers, yogis, and transcendentalists of nearly all paths of Vedic spirituality. In the West, it early inspired, among others, the American Transcendentalists Emerson and Thoreau and has been looked to ever since for its perennial wisdom. It is the essential Vedic text for spiritual realization.

Sri Isopanisad

Sri Isopanishad contains eighteen Vedic are meant to focus the mind in meditation on the Supreme Person, Krishna.

Sri Isopanishad‘s mantras direct our attention toward how the Supreme Person is the complete whole of existence, and that all manifestations emanating from Him.

Beyond Birth and Death

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re alive and conscious. Meanwhile, your body is gradually, imperceptibly changing. Still reading? Then you’re still alive and your body is still changing. How about now? You’re still living, still conscious, and your body has changed yet again. Notice a pattern?

Beyond Birth and Death addresses this pattern, and challenges the reader to rethink what “life” means. We tend to think “life” is a brief event occurring between birth and death. We celebrate birth as “a coming into life” and mourn for the “dead.” But really, life is our permanent condition, and what we call “birth and death” are merely bodily changes.

The Perfection of Yoga, bestseller, spiritual study, books, self realization, Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Veda, Vedic, wisdom, knowledge, Hare Krishna, course, awaken, devotion, realization, reconnection, soul, guidance, Beirut, Lebanon, online
The Perfection of Yoga
Overview: The word “yoga” has varied connotations; to some it may evoke images of grim ascetics in far-off mountain caves, pushing the limits of human tolerance of austerity. To others, yoga is a household word, a label for some of the many forms of holistic exercise available on the market. Some are familiar with the practice of yoga but are only dimly aware of the philosophy behind its practice. Still more people have no idea what it means at all.

When His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada began teaching the Bhagavad-gita to New York audiences in 1966, he saw the need to relieve his listeners of some popular misconceptions of yoga circulating at the time (which nevertheless continue to circulate). The point of yoga, he explained, is not to get a good body, increase longevity, or even to “become one” with the formless totality of all energy; there’s a lot more to it than that.

Bhagavad-gita - Arabic
Over 26 million copies sold worldwide. Overview: The Bhagavad-gita (“Song of God”), which forms eighteen chapters in the epic Mahabharata, presents the core of the Vedic philosophy in a relatively brief seven hundred verses. Celebrated and revered for its profound message, it is the one book turned to by philosophers, yogis, and transcendentalists of nearly all paths of Vedic spirituality. In the West, it early inspired, among others, the American Transcendentalists Emerson and Thoreau and has been looked to ever since for its perennial wisdom. It is the essential Vedic text for spiritual realization.
The Perfection of Yoga, bestseller, spiritual study, books, self realization, Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Veda, Vedic, wisdom, knowledge, Hare Krishna, course, awaken, devotion, realization, reconnection, soul, guidance, Beirut, Lebanon, online
The Perfection of Yoga - Arabic
Overview: The word “yoga” has varied connotations; to some it may evoke images of grim ascetics in far-off mountain caves, pushing the limits of human tolerance of austerity. To others, yoga is a household word, a label for some of the many forms of holistic exercise available on the market. Some are familiar with the practice of yoga but are only dimly aware of the philosophy behind its practice. Still more people have no idea what it means at all.

When His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada began teaching the Bhagavad-gita to New York audiences in 1966, he saw the need to relieve his listeners of some popular misconceptions of yoga circulating at the time (which nevertheless continue to circulate). The point of yoga, he explained, is not to get a good body, increase longevity, or even to “become one” with the formless totality of all energy; there’s a lot more to it than that.

The Perfect Questions and Perfect Answers - Arabic
In 1972, Bob Cohen, an American science teacher serving in the Peace Corps, found himself halfway around the world, in the holy village of Mayapur, West Bengal, on a search for spiritual enlightenment. There, in a small bamboo hut, he found a teacher able to answer his questions. Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers is the record of his transformative talks with Srila Prabhupada.
Beyond Birth and Death, Par-delà la Naissance et la Mort , French, bestseller, spiritual study, books, self realization, Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Veda, Vedic, wisdom, knowledge, Hare Krishna, course, awaken, devotion, realization, reconnection, soul, guidance, Beirut, Lebanon, online
Par-delà la Naissance et la Mort - French

Une introduction incisive des préceptes de la Bhagavad-Gītā, discutant les différences entre le corps et l’âme, la matière et l’esprit; – notre monde temporaire et la réalité éternelle. Transcriptions originales de discours donnés à New York en 1966, par Śrī Śrīmad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.

The Perfection of Yoga, La Perfection du Yoga, French, bestseller, spiritual study, books, self realization, Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Veda, Vedic, wisdom, knowledge, Hare Krishna, course, awaken, devotion, realization, reconnection, soul, guidance, Beirut, Lebanon, online
La Perfection du Yoga - French

Nous savons tous combien le yoga a gagne en popularité ces dernières années… Ici vous trouverez une présentation révélatrice des enseignements tels que donnés par Śrī Krishna Lui-même dans la Bhagavad-Gītā, expliquant comment nous tous pouvons atteindre l’objectif de la pratique du yoga, malgré l’époque troublée dans laquelle nous vivons.  Transcrit des discours donnés à New York en 1966, par Śrī Śrīmad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.

Books by HH Radhanath Swami
The Journey Home

Within this extraordinary memoir, Radhanath Swami weaves a colorful tapestry of adventure, mysticism, and love. Readers follow Richard Slavin from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of the Himalayas as he transforms from a young seeker to a renowned spiritual guide. The Journey Home is an intimate account of the steps to self-awareness and also a penetrating glimpse into the heart of mystic traditions and the challenges that all souls must face on the road to inner harmony and a union with the Divine.

The Journey Within, Radhanath Swami, bestseller, spiritual study, books, self realization, Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Veda, Vedic, wisdom, knowledge, Hare Krishna, course, awaken, devotion, realization, reconnection, soul, guidance, Beirut, Lebanon, online
The Journey Within

The mysteries of the soul have evaded mystics, sages and gurus for centuries. Humanity has long yearned to discover the answer to our existence and many spiritual traditions have evolved to provide those answers through sacred texts that facilitate journeys of transformation and discovery. Yet, never before have all of the spiritual traditions been distilled so simply into one easy-to-follow path—a path of love and devotion.

In this long-awaited follow-up to the Journey Home, the Journey Within guides readers through the essential teachings of bhakti-yoga. World-renowned spiritual leader Radhanath Swami draws from his personal experiences to demystify the ancient devotional path of bhakti, capturing its essence and explaining its simple principles for balancing our lives.

Govinda das
Little Yogi In The Modern City

This Book is a collection of 25 Articles covering familiar topics and names that yoga students are certain to discuss or hear during their studies such as Sri Krishna, Gods, Shiva, Gita, Patanjali, teachers,the original influence of Yoga in the west, the purpose behind practicing Yoga etc.

Through these compilations, deeper practitioners will discover directives to study the above names or topics in a more systematic way, while others will gain the clarity to avoid confusion.
This quick read is to help one reflect on their journeys in meaningful ways to be little but effective yogis in their own surroundings.